First of all, I have vented my opinion of Trump on social media. So if he wants to "de-naturalize" me he has justification. If you don't know he is threating that on legal immigrants. Of course being who he is if you don't suck up to him you will be first in line. But it is too late for me to hide.
Let me say this: Trump is a monster. I do not use that word lightly. I consider all high level sociopaths monsters as do most professionals. One characteristic is that they cause harm to the people around them. Trump's people around him is the US residents.
I have met four high level sociopaths in my life. All left destroyed lives behind them.
Some true statements are: "You can tell the character of a person if you put them in charge.", and "You can tell the character of a person by whom they surround themselves with." We have seen what Trump is like from before the Presidency to now. The people around him are also monsters and/or religious fanatics and/or corporate shills. There is not a one of them that I would loan $5 and expect to get it back.
You either lead by loyalty, hope or fear. Trump, and the GOP, have chosen fear. There are some real things to fear out there, but they are making things up to generate fear. None of their fear mongering, as far as I can tell, is based on fact. A good assumption is that everything said by the White House, Fox news, and the GOP is false. It is getting bad enough that even Fox news occasionally reacts to the lies. And the rest of the media is not doing the job of calling out, and refuting, the lies -- the lies generate more news.
The White House press core is intimidated. They put up with the lies so they can continue to get access. Ask the wrong question and you get booted off the list.
Taking children away from their parents is a monstrous act. While we know they are kept in cages (or pens as one of the Presidents people tell us) we have NO independent observer of their conditions. I expect it is not good. If it was good they would show it too the world, not hide it. I wonder how many have already died. I have not heard of any health care, or children's care, professionals being hired to take care of them. And I would have if there were thousands of children to help. The official number is about 1,000, but they have also said they have lost track of 1,200 so it must be many more.
The more I learn about the situation the worse it gets. One of the latest: "They don't know of any system to track the children to their parents." So the younger ones are just lost and will never find their parents.
I would give money to the groups that are fighting this but money is very tight right now. Everything I have must go to food or medicine. Later.
If we restore sanity to the US in 2020, it will take a generation to recover.